Good morning and a Happy New Year,
This year has been a record year for seal pups at Donna Nook with 2,033 births recorded. However, it is unlikely that all those who reach the sea will survive as it is reckoned that there is a 20% mortality rate in their first year of life. The LWT staff and their hardy band of volunteers have done a brilliant job again of managing the seals as well as the many thousands of visitors who come to Donna Nook marsh and dunes at this time of the year.
You may not be aware that despite several collecting boxes on the site the average contribution per visitor is only a few pence. Your committee has written to the LWT CEO to suggest ways of raising the awareness of the costs of the venue as well as making the collecting boxes more obvious.
I shall report the response at our Annual General Meeting in April when the format will change from that of the last 5 years. In response to comments from members we shall have a short AGM followed by a speaker concluding with a raffle and refreshments. There is no charge for this meeting. Costs are covered by the purchase of raffle tickets with any surplus amount going to the LWT.
During the last few months Louth members have been busy clearing scrub and undergrowth at Muckton Wood, Rigsby Woods and Hoplands Wood whilst the Watch group has held meetings at Spout Yard. You are most welcome to join the woodland work parties which are listed in the Winter Newsletter. The next one is at Hoplands Wood on Sunday 28 January.
The first of the 2018 series of illustrated talks in Louth will be, ‘Lincolnshire Plants - Past and Future’, given by Aiden Neary, the LWT Wildflower Meadow Project Officer. Everyone is welcome at 7.30pm on Friday 26 January at the Nichol Hill Methodist Church, Louth. Entrance is £2.50 which includes refreshments; children are not charged
On 27, 28 and 29 January don’t forget to join the Great Garden Birdwatch and be part of the world’s largest wildlife survey. If you are not a member of the RSPB, you will find details about how to take part in the press a few days before the event.
Chris Robinson, the son of the late David Robinson OBE has presented the Group with approximately 200 botanical and gardening books from his late mother Joyce's bookshelf. He has given us carte blanche as to their disposal. Biff Vernon kindly offered to manage the activity and it has been decided to offer them for sale at LAG and Ants & Nats meetings with the funds going to each of the organisations. The books cover a wide range of topics and you may like to have a memento of Joyce who was a very active and long serving member of our Group.
A volunteer is required to deliver a small number of the Lapwings magazine in the Brackenborough area. If you are able to assist, please contact Louise Scott on 01507601685 or by email at
Best wishes
Ray Woodcock, Chairman Louth Area Group