Sunday, 29 March 2020

Hello fellow LAG members

The peregrines are nesting on the church spire; occasionally we see them overhead particularly when they are being mobbed by raucous gulls. Our first cowslip flower blossomed on 16 March whilst the verges of our drive have a ground covering of self-seeded violets, wild arum, ivy-leaved speedwell and sticky willy. Small tortoiseshell. peacock, comma and brimstone butterflies are fluttering around looking for pollen. The three hedgehogs that appear each night on the trail camera are busy feeding and feuding. 
It was decided to ask LWT to send the LAG copies of Spring Lapwings magazines out by post. As the LWT HQ at Horncastle has now closed, it may be some time before we see the Spring 2020 edition.
Although we are all house bound and garden bound there is still plenty to see. Take a close look at the garden birds. Is it a dunnock or a sparrow? Try to identify the insects on the emerging spring flowers.  How many species of bee did you see? 
If you are not on Ray's email list and would like further information about the group's activities including a Spring quiz, please contact him on
Keep safe
Ray Woodcock  Chairman Louth Area Group LWT

Watch Group
With schools and Watch Groups closing, it has been suggested that some parents might like to log on to the this from the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, to find ideas for wildlife activities for children.
Best Wishes


Saturday, 14 March 2020


The COVID-19 Virus is affecting our lives in so many ways and we must take measures to keep it under control. Consequently, the LAG committee members have decided to cancel the 27 March speaker meeting. Please will you inform other members who might attend a LAG meeting of this decision. We will decide the fate of the 24 April AGM and meeting in due course.
On a happier note, three hedgehogs were fighting in our garden last evening whilst a Greenfinch sings its one note song from the top of a fir tree most mornings.
Do take care.
Best wishes
Ray Woodcock Chairman Louth Area Group, Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust

Monday, 2 March 2020

Watch meeting Sunday March 15th

Details of our next meeting:-
We hope that you will join us for our popular Treasure Hunt in Hubbard's Hills on Sunday March 15th. 
Use your skills to find and solve our nature clues and win some Treasure.
We will meet near Hubbard's Hills cafe at  2pm , LN11 0QW.
Children must be accompanied by an adult. The event is free.
We hope to see you there.
Best Wishes
