The group met at Spout Yard Gallery for a session about composting and recycling food waste. The session was led by James Pocklington.
The children began with a choice of drawing or a minibeast anagram/colouring sheet. Then James asked them about composting and about how and why it is made. They were then given trays of compost to explore for themselves, along with a variety of minibeasts that could be found within the compost. Magnifyers and a digital microscope were on hand for more intimate viewing, with the facilty to take photographs in close up if they wished. See examples below! Books and posters were used for identification.
During a break in the rain, the children then had a short period outside to find the Spout Yard compost bins and to look for some minibeasts in the garden. A large centipede was a good find.
After refreshments Emily showed us her Wildlife book that she had brought and found her favourite picture of a Brittle star.
James showed the children a ‘Rotbot’ he had made earlier that had been functioning for a couple of weeks. He then showed them how to make their own from a plastic bottle and containing among other things, some fruit and vegetable waste.
The children finished by taking home some minibeast poems if they wished.
Next Watch meeting is on February 12th 10 am till noon, Spout Yard. Looking into owl pellets.